Colored drawing by Anthony Jensen

Friday, October 28, 2016

Travis County Sheriff Candidates on ICE

The pivotal issue in the Sheriff's race concerns the candidates' respective stance on cooperation with Immigration and Customs Enforcement ("ICE").

The Republican candidate wants to continue our cooperation, despite the Department of Justice's guidelines, and even increase it. He recognizes ICE's authority at every level, including their administrative "requests" for detention beyond constitutional deadlines for holding a person without charging them.

The Democratic candidate originally came out as reform-minded on the matter, but has never provided details and appears to be backpedaling as the media has been noting, most recently in this KUT piece.

The Libertarian candidate has said he'd handle it on a "case by case" basis, but has strengthened that somewhat to only cooperating with them "90% of the time."

As I explained fully in my last blog, I, as the Green Party candidate, will not cooperate with ICE directly, but will only recognize a judicial order for detention which must show that the person is a threat to the public safety and a flight risk.

If you care about due process for ALL PERSONS, the choice is clear.

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